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Fore! Get ready for the Re-Source Charity Golf Tournament

We're thrilled to announce the inaugural Re-Source Charity Golf Tournament, taking place on Friday, April 11th at the Hawke's Bay Golf Club! This exciting event is a fantastic opportunity to enjoy a day on the green while supporting our mission to connect surplus resources with those who need them most in our community.What to expect18-hole Ambrose tournament: Perfect for golfers of all skill levels, so gather your friends, family or co-workers and form a team!Shotgun start at 11:30 AM: Arrive e...

March 10, 2025

Meet our volunteers - Hannah

Hannah started volunteering during her gap year in 2022. Now studying for her Bachelor of Climate Change at Waikato University Hannah always makes time to volunteer during the holidays. Hannah tackles every job that comes her way with a smile. She is unfailingly hard-working, pleasant, and polite with every person she meets at Re-Source. Her creative additions to standard jobs elevate them to the next level and we look forward to the holidays when she comes back.Q. How did you hear about Re-Sour...

March 18, 2024

Helping with day-to-day living

Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga is an organisation that helps individuals, whānau and communities achieve their goals and general well-being by creating holistic, personalised plans of care, support, and development.Working with individuals like Pania, a compassionate social worker from Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, is truly inspiring. We appreciate your mahi and look forward to future collaboration....

March 18, 2024

Love your mahi Hawke's Bay Business Hub

Our very special thanks to Mardi from the Hawke's Bay Business Hub who facilitated the rehoming of over 120 fabulous quality chairs! These top quality Furnware chairs were shared between Omahu Marae, Mates4Life, Ymca Hawkes Bay, and the Awhi Trust.Mardi even found some Christmas decorations that we will carefully store for the end of the year.Businesses that choose to rehome rather than sell or scrap can make an incredible difference to organisations that rely on donations an...

March 18, 2024

Providing vital support

The Hawke’s Bay Recovery Team at Fire and Emergency NZ stands ready to provide vital support to those navigating the challenging aftermath of fires and related incidents.Nigel is a dedicated Community Risk Manager within the Recovery Team and a cherished agency partner. Your invaluable mahi does not go unnoticed, and we are truly honored to collaborate with you and contribute to assisting individuals and communities in such challenging circumstances....

March 18, 2024

We love supporting teachers

We love supporting teachers by helping supply resources for school activities. Keri is starting a new initiative in Hastings Central School and we can’t wait to see the pictures! There is a lot of research showing the benefit of this kind of creative free play and we are proud to have saved the school time and money by supplying what was needed.”Hugely grateful to Nadine & her team at Re-Source for these lengths of fabrics, ties & bands. I am excited to see what the tamarik...

March 18, 2024

Waimārama Kōhanga Reo puts old toys to good use!

Ngā mihi nui to Stewart and the team at DOVE! They have moved into an ex-daycare and instead of throwing the unneeded toys, furniture, and resources into a skip, they contacted Re-Source to make sure they made a difference in the community. We were delighted to connect Kaumatua Jerry Hapuku from Te Kōhanga Reo o Turi Pai Whenua and the team at Waimārama Kōhanga Reo with many useful items. We moved 2 van loads ourselves and the teams also loaded their cars with trea...

March 18, 2024

Meet Our Volunteers - Ali

Ali started volunteering at Re-Source Nov 2022. She is famous at the depot for her homemade, melt-in-the-mouth fudge, and every week Ali treats us to a bouquet of her exceptional dahlias. They bring nearly as much sunshine as Ali. Ali’s great sense of humour always cheers the day and she compliments this with consistent hard work. Q. How did you hear about Re-Source? A. I heard about Re-Source through a family member. She had raved about it for a good year or so and she encouraged me to come a...

February 22, 2024

Meet Our New Board

Re-Source's new Board met for the first time last night. Please give a warm welcome to Phillipa Blakey as Chair, and Gus Charteris and Holly Lyall (who dialed in from Papamoa) as Trustees. They join existing Trustees Stephanie George and George Miller. And of course, you all know our General Manager, Nadine Gaunt. We thought you might like to see who they are and get to know them a bit, so you will hear more from them over the next few months....

February 14, 2024

VOYCE - Agency Partner

VOYCE is one of our incredible agency partners, dedicated to advocating for children who are in care or care experienced in Aotearoa. VOYCE are on a mission to ensure that the voices of children and young people are heard and at the centre of all decisions made about them. We are proud to support the VOYCE kaimahi and applaud the amazing mahi they are doing for children in care....

February 14, 2024

Te Waka Tākaro, Hastings District Council’s Play Trailer

We need good-quality bats and balls of all shapes and sizes for Te Waka Tākaro, Hastings District Council’s play trailer which is a really cool community play/sports project. Other sports equipment might be a match too! Please drop us a line at if you can help. Photo credit: HDCAnd check out this awesome community resource:

February 12, 2024

Meet Our Volunteers - Tricia

Tricia has volunteered with Re-Source for over three years. She always has a supportive shoulder and kind words ready for anyone who needs uplifting. She is our go-to person for removing branding from clothing, and many people sleep better at night thanks to Tricia’s up-cycled pillows. Thank you for your mahi, Tricia!Q. How did you hear about Re-Source? A. I first heard about Re-Source as a local Lions member. There was a call for assistance in sourcing a commercial upholstery cleaner to keep ...

February 10, 2024

Te Tipu Whenua o Pa Harakeke - Agency Partner

Te Tipu Whenua o Pa Harakeke, located within @flaxmerecollege, is a dedicated teen-parent unit. They create a supportive and caring space where both parents and babies can thrive.Melanie Fowler is the head of the department at the teen-parent unit and one of our valued Partners. We value your Mahi and look forward to accomplishing more together in the future!...

February 9, 2024

Donors provide items that we can rehome, reuse and repurpose

Everyone in our community plays an important part in what we do and how we do it. Donors give us items they’d like rehomed and reused to benefit the community and reduce landfill....

February 6, 2024

The Acorn Project - Agency Partner

Working with people like Kerrie from The Acorn Project Hawkes Bay always brightens our day. We share common values and goals and truly appreciate each other's mahi.The Acorn Project Hawke's Bay supports young people aged 12-24 and their families living with cancer in Hawke's Bay....

February 3, 2024

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu - Agency Partner

Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Wānanga Whare Tapere o Takitimu is a Māori immersion school located in Hastings, New Zealand. It provides education in te reo Māori and incorporates Māori cultural practices and values into its curriculum.Whaea Fleur is the Principal and one of our valued Partners Together we have achieved great things, and we look forward to doing much more together in the future!...

January 27, 2024

Kāinga Ora Social Housing Build Program

Thank you to all the generous donors who made it possible for Re-Source to play a vital role in providing furniture for 14 new homes in Hasting's social housing build program, in collaboration with @kaingaoragovtnz . Your quality donations have helped us to make a difference in the lives of families transitioning from emergency housing to warm, and welcoming homes. Thank you for choosing to rehome through Re-Source....

January 20, 2024

Funders ensure we can continue to serve the community

Everyone in our community plays an important part in what we do and how we do it. Funders are organisations and private benefactors who enable us to operate. Like all charities, Re-Source needs funding for vehicles, utilities, wages, storage, etc. If you think Hawke's Bay is a better place because of this great little charity, then please consider making a cash donation. You can make a one-off or monthly contribution, either will be greatly appreciated

January 16, 2024

3000 Children's Shoes Find New Homes

Over 3,000 children's school shoes, initially sized incorrectly but in perfect condition, have found new homes across 26 locations in Hawke's Bay. The joy in the faces of these little ones, as beautifully captured in the heartfelt collage sent in by a Kōhanga Reo in Wairoa, speaks volumes about the impact we've made together. Huge thanks to Fleur Wainohu for her dedication, and to Number One Shoes and Hannahs Shoes for partnering with us!...

January 8, 2024

Agencies partner with us because we're a neutral hub

Everyone in our community plays an important part in what we do and how we do it. Our Agencies are organisations that receive donated items for their clients and communities. They partner with Re-Source because we are a neutral hub that enables and supports them to focus on their skilled mahi and build trusting relationships with their clients. If you'd like to know more about becoming one of our Agency partners, you can visit our website - or email admin@re...

January 8, 2024

Celebrating Our Young Volunteers

Lily Pywell is doing the William Pike challenge but found it difficult to complete her volunteer hours after breaking her jaw in a motorbike accident. Lily certainly rose to the challenge by untangling a spider's web of donated yarn and we now have 47 neatly wound balls ready to go out to community knitting projects. "I needed to do some community service. That was not physical as I had crashed my motorbike and broken my jaw. Re-Source helped by giving me the wool that needed to be wound for oth...

January 8, 2024

Plunket - Agency Partner

Plunket is one of our treasured Agency Partners. They offer a variety of free services dedicated to enhancing the development, health, and overall well-being of children under the age of five.We love supporting Cate and her colleagues and recognise the invaluable work they do....

December 5, 2023

Recipients are an essential part of our community

Everyone in our community plays an important part in what we do and how we do it. The recipients who receive the donated items are able to support themselves or their organisation, while reducing landfill and resource consumption. Which in turn allows us to deliver valuable social and environmental outcomes. If you'd like to support us in the mission, please consider making a donation, email

November 26, 2023 Posts 1-23 of 23 | Page

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